Complexities of T2DM management: Have DPP4 inhibitors ushered in an era of SIMPLICITY?
Dr Shashank R Joshi 22 October 2017
Complexities of T2D management Glycemic control Hypoglycemia Weight management Comorbidities Adherence Classical T2DM pathology A simple triumvirate Impaired b cell function Increased hepatic glucose Insulin resistance Evolution of T2Dagents DPP4 inhibitors brought in an era of simplicity DPP4 inhibitors work effectively in Asian patients DPP4 inhibitor linagliptin can inhibit TGFb 2 induced endothelial mesenchymal transition and ameliorate diabetic kidney fibrosis DPP4 inhibitors are weight neutral The ideal drugs for type 2 diabetes should be Safe Efficacious Durable control Well tolerated Low risk of hypoglycaemia Weight neutral or weight loss Incretin based therapies especially DPP4 inhibitors come close to this.
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